Hello grade one families, Today we worked on our story writing. Our stories are coming along so nicely! We have been editing our stories on our own and with a classmate. Next we will edit them with a teacher! In math, we are still working on subtraction. Ask me about my favourite strategy that I use to help me solve subtraction equations. We can use our knowledge of doubles, doubles +/- 1, making ten, fact families, ten frames and pictures, using counters, using a number line and more! Today we built the cutest dolls and action figures! We used pipe cleaners, straws and beads to create these toys as part of our "Building Things" unit in science. They were a big hit and the grade ones were very excited to bring them home to show their families. We were talking about toys and wondering about the differences between toys built now, and toys built when our parents were kids! Mrs. Norrie's favourite toy was her Strawberry Shortcake doll and Mrs. Woolnough's favourite toy w...