Hello families,
It was a fun day in grade one!
We continued exploring r-controlled vowels using our literacy mats.
In math, we created number sentences and solved them using our number lines.
We were so fortunate to watch an incredible play put on by Evergreen Theatre called "The Wicked Witch of the Wetlands." We LOVED it! It reminded us about the importance of our wetlands and what we can do to protect them while honouring the land. It also taught us to celebrate our differences. We sang along, laughed, and learned about the needs of plants and animals. Thank you so much to Evergreen Theatre and the wonderful performers!
This afternoon we reviewed all of the awesome information that we learned through our virtual field trip last week. Ask me about foods that make us GO, foods that make us GROW and foods that make us GLOW! We designed beautiful, delicious and nutritious meals and recorded them in our visual journals.
Have a wonderful night!
Love the grade one team

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