Hello grade one families, Today we learned about the life cycle of a sunflower. We know that the first step of the life cycle is a seed! Ask me what 5 things plants need to survive! In math, we continued our stuffy measurement activity! This morning we had a fire drill and our grade ones did a great job exiting the school quietly and calmly. We finished our beautiful spring tree artwork! Ask me about some differences between trees in the winter and trees in the spring! Reminders: Wed May 3rd: Fun Lunch Fri May 5th: Professional Learning Day- no school for students Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine! Love the grade one team
Showing posts from April, 2023
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Hello! Our grade ones did an incredible job putting on our school assembly today! Grade ones, thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. You are truly amazing. Your singing was beautiful and your hard work and learning shone throughout the entire assembly. It was so nice to see the families that were able to join us. We had a VERY fun morning reading to our stuffies and doing measurement activities with them. Ask me how many cubes tall my stuffy was and how many cubes wide my stuffy was. We also had to find friends whose stuffy was shorter than, taller than and wider than our own stuffy 🧸📏💜 In literacy, we have been talking about the plot in a story! Ask me about the plot and some BIG events that have happened in Charlotte's Web. We have been working on a Spring Tree in art and today we added blossoms and leaves to them. They look gorgeous and will soon be displayed in the hallways. Have a wonderful night! Love the grade one team
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Hi grade one families! In literacy, we have been learning all about settings in stories. We used loose parts to create the setting from Charlotte's Web. Ask me what was in my scene! We are learning about when the letter "y" makes a long "i" sound. Ask me for some examples of words that use the letter "y" to make long "i" sounds 😊 In math, we are continuing to explore measurement. We did a super cool activity today using plasticine- ask me what we did! We had a dress rehearsal for our Earth Day Assembly today and we are SO excited! It is at 1:30pm tomorrow and families are invited. Students are invited to bring a stuffed animal to school tomorrow for a measurement activity! We will have lots of extras:) Have a great night and we will see you tomorrow! Love the grade one team
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Hello grade one families! Today we continued our character study about Wilbur. We discussed some of his character traits including: curious, thoughtful, loving, scared, kind, excitable, jumpy and nervous. We also identified the problem in our novel. In Social Studies, we recorded drawings of items used long ago and now. We saw and learned about so many special things used long ago during our Field Trip to Heritage Park. Ask me what I chose to represent! We have been working hard preparing for our Earth Day assembly this Thursday April 27th at 1:30pm. We look forward to seeing families and to showcase our knowledge and skills! We are going to be asking students to bring in a stuffed animal on Thursday April 27th for a measurement activity in the morning 🧸 Have a wonderful night! Love the grade one team
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Happy Friday grade one families! Today we reviewed and recorded what we know about 3D composite shapes. We listened to The Best Eid Ever by Asma by Asma Mobin Uddin. Home reading is very important at this time of the year. Many students are moving up to books that have more complex topics and vocabulary. The understanding of what they are reading is very important and asking your child about the problem, attempts to solve, and information that they have learned will benefit them in being able to retell 6-8 important facts about what they have read. Thank you so much for all that you do to support your child's literacy!!! 📚 We are really excited for our grade one assembly next Thursday April 27th at 1:30pm. We are looking forward to seeing our grade one families. Have a wonderful weekend. To those families that celebrate wishing you a joyful Eid filled with love, happiness and blessings. Love the grade one team 💗
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We had a great day with our AMAZING teachers of the day Ms. P and Mr. K! They were inspiring, fun, kind teachers with great lessons planned for both of our classes! We started our day with math by creating symmetrical designs. During attendance, our teachers of the day assigned each of us an animal and we had to create a word to rhyme with it- it was so much fun! Ask me what my animal and rhyming word were. In literacy, we read the Three Little Pigs and then we created our own story plans by switching the animals. Some examples were "The 3 Little Fish and the Big Bad Narwal" and "The 3 Little Turtles and the Big Bad Cheetah!" It was so much fun and our friends came up with lots of great ideas. This afternoon we learned about tornadoes! Did you know that tornadoes come in all colours because they take on the colour of the materials they pick up? And that they are most likely to form between the hours of 3pm and 9pm? Such cool and interesting facts! We also had a mini...
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WOW! Today was the best day ever visiting Heritage Park! We learned what it was like to go to school 100 years ago. We absolutely loved our time in the one room school house. We sat in old fashioned desks, we used slate boards and chalk to practice handwriting and math. We also got to use dip pens and an inkwell to write the first letter of our names. Ask me about some of the differences between school then and school now. We had the opportunity to meet 4 beautiful clydesdale horses and learn some things about farming and agriculture. We also got to walk through a barn and into a pig pen. It was just like the setting in Charlotte's Web! We toured the town and got to go inside the blacksmith shop, the post office and even the jail! Thank you to our amazing volunteers and the incredible staff at Heritage Park for a truly wonderful day of fun and learning about the past. Our grade one students represented Copperfield School incredibly well by showing kindness, respect and a love of le...
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Today we started to explore measurement! We activated our prior knowledge by brainstorming and recording all of the things we know about measurement! We learned the difference between non-standard and standard measurement and practiced measuring things with our hands and feet. We also gathered items from around our classroom and compared their lengths. We ordered them from shortest to longest, or longest to shortest. We continued to learn about schools in the past compared to schools today and we are SO excited for our field trip tomorrow!!! Please wear warm clothes, comfy shoes, bring a big lunch and a water bottle. We can't wait to learn and have tonnes of fun together! Love the grade one team 💛
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Hello grade one families, We had a great start to the week! This morning we wrote sentences using words that include r-controlled vowels (ir, er, ar, or, ur)! Many friends wrote about red winged black b ir ds, going to the p ar k, and St ar bucks! Ask me what I wrote about. In literacy, we are learning about different story elements. Today we discussed what a character is. We started a character study about Wilbur from Charlotte's Web. In preparation for our field trip on Wednesday, we looked at photos of a one room school house and discussed ways that schools from the past are different from schools today. Ask me about some of the differences! This afternoon we were lucky enough to watch a performance by the talented drama students from Joane Cardinal-Schubert School. They wrote and performed a Fairy Tale mash-up! Ask me what my favourite part was! It was entertaining, funny and the plays had wonderful lessons about kindness and friendship. Reminder: Our field trip is on Wednesda...
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Hello families, It was a fun day in grade one! We continued exploring r-controlled vowels using our literacy mats. In math, we created number sentences and solved them using our number lines. We were so fortunate to watch an incredible play put on by Evergreen Theatre called "The Wicked Witch of the Wetlands." We LOVED it! It reminded us about the importance of our wetlands and what we can do to protect them while honouring the land. It also taught us to celebrate our differences. We sang along, laughed, and learned about the needs of plants and animals. Thank you so much to Evergreen Theatre and the wonderful performers! This afternoon we reviewed all of the awesome information that we learned through our virtual field trip last week. Ask me about foods that make us GO , foods that make us GROW and foods that make us GLOW ! We designed beautiful, delicious and nutritious meals and recorded them in our visual journals. Have a wonderful night! Love the grade one team
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Today we reviewed what sound 'er', 'ir', and 'ur' make! Ask me what sound they all make! We recorded our knowledge about 3D Composite shapes. Ask me to point out a cylinder, a sphere, a cube, a rectangular prism and a cone somewhere in our home or outside! We are still reading Charlotte's Web together. Today we drew and wrote predictions about how Charlotte will save Wilbur from his fate as a spring pig. Our predictions were awesome!!! We continued our Red Winged Blackbird research projects. Ask me how many eggs red winged blackbirds usually lay! Or how many meters above the water red wing blackbirds build their nests! This afternoon we finished our "Emotional Toolboxes." Ask me which strategies I chose to put in my toolbox and why. Love the grade one team
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Good afternoon grade one families! We had a wonderful return after the long weekend. This morning we did one of our favourite activities- "Which One Does Not Belong" in math. Our students came up with creative, thoughtful and original ideas! We have started our new literacy centres! Ask me which ones I have explored so far. We continue to explore the Zones of Regulation and different strategies that we can use. We are building our "Emotional Toolboxes." We have been researching Red Wing Blackbirds! Ask me some facts that I have learned about them. We have been having so much fun exploring artifacts from the past and comparing them to things that we use today. Our students have done a wonderful job bringing in photos and interesting information to share! Thank you for your support families 💗 The grade ones are honoured to be presenting an assembly to all of Copperfield School on Thursday April 27th at 1:30pm. Grade one families are invited to come and watch us perfo...