Hello grade one families!
Today we played with our new amazing literacy folders! Ask me about the folders and what words we spelled.
In math, we did one of our favourite activities called "Which One Doesn't Belong?" Ask me about it! We also played an addition game called "Equal or Not Equal!"
We started a read a loud today. We are so excited to listen to our teachers read Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. We are learning new vocabulary. Please talk to your child about what "injustice" means. Tomorrow we are going to share what we learned and discussed with our families.
As we continue our snow exploration, today we discussed snow while thinking about our five senses. We talked about what snow looks like, what snow sounds like and what snow feels like! Ask me about some ideas that we shared as a class. We passed snow around in a sharing circle to remind ourselves what snow feels like in our hands. We started writing poetry about snow and so far it is BEAUTIFUL! ❄ ❄ ❄
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