Happy Friday grade one families!

Today we started a beautiful art project to represent our knowledge about seasonal changes. We are painting winter tree silhouettes in a night sky. Ask me what we sprinkled on our watercolour paint to add a little sparkle!

We have been working hard on learning about the different Zones of Regulation, that everyone zone is okay, and strategies and tools to help us. This past week was focussed on the yellow zone. We know that if we are feeling silly, excited or nervous there are many ways to calm our bodies and our minds. In grade one, we practice belly breathing, rainbow breathing, body breaks, and we listen to relaxing music. Ask me what some of my favourite calming strategies are! We wrote about a time we were in the yellow zone, what our bodies felt like and some tools that we can use.

We made little avatars of ourselves and we have started placing them in whatever zone we are in, in order to practice identifying and as a way to share our feelings with our teachers and classmates. Today we even graphed our little avatars to represent our data!

Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!
Love the grade one team 💜


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