Good afternoon grade one families!

Today we wrote about something that we LOVE! Afterwards we drew and coloured pictures of what we love. In science, we continued to talk about signs of the seasons changing and different colours of leaves. Ask me about warm colours and cool colours, and for some examples of each!

Today we did another art project! After discussing seasonal changes and warm and cool colours we painted birch trees with different coloured leaves. Ask me what we used to make our trees look like birch trees. Here is a hint: it was not a paint brush! Our paintings are still drying but we will post pictures soon. They turned out beautifully!

Tomorrow morning we have an assembly to celebrate surpassing our Terry Fox goal! As a school we raised $2174.00. Wow- what a thoughtful and generous community we have here at Copperfield School. Thank you to the families who donated and to all who participated in the Terry Fox Run.

Have a wonderful evening!

Love Mrs. Woolnough


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