Good afternoon grade one families, Ask your child which 2 literacy centres they went to this morning! Our grade ones have been doing an amazing job reading, writing and building words with letter tiles and cubes. In math, we continued to explore 100. We counted approximately 100 chips and then recorded how we counted them (by 1s, 2s, 5s, or 10s) in our visual journals. We look forward to an amazing rest of the week! If you are interested in ordering any books for the holidays, here is a digital scholastic flyer! There are lots of great books for good deals. Our class code is: RC500024 Stay warm! Love the grade one team
Showing posts from November, 2022
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Good afternoon grade one families, Today we continued to explore our new literacy centres. We incorporated some new games! We built VC (vowel-consonant) and CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words using blocks and tiles. We also built words by adding letters to the beginning of different sounds. Ask me to show you how I can make words by adding different letters to the beginning of the sounds "am", "at", and "ig". Ask your child the different ways they can count to 100! Love the grade one team!
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Good afternoon! It was so wonderful to see so many of you at conferences. We are so proud of all of the hard work our grade ones have been doing and it was great for them to be able to share their knowledge and amazing work with their families. It was a busy and fun filled start to the week! We listened to the story "All You Need for a Snowman" by Alice Schertle. We noticed that there were rhyming words, as well as math in the story. We started our day by participating in different literacy centres: reading to self (raz-kids), listening to stories (raz-kids), reading to the teacher, word work building CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words, and free writing. Our grade ones did a great job and we are looking forward to trying out each centre! Ms. Chernoff read us a special story called Powwow Counting in Cree by Penny M. Thomas. We practiced counting to 10 in Cree! This afternoon, we played a fun new math game. In pairs, we took turns rolling 3 dice (including a special 10 die...
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Good afternoon families! Today we wrote 3 sentences on some fancy paper. We got to write about anything we wanted and continued to work on fingers spaces, capitalization, punctuation and letter sounds. We also drew beautiful drawings to match our writing. We are so excited to share these with families at conferences 🤩 We had the best time with our grade 5 buddies this morning! We played a game that involved rolling dice, building a teen number with a ten rod and ones, and finally identifying the number on one or two ten frames. In math, we continued to identify and write down teen numbers represented through ten frames. In science, we learned about transferring colours from one material to another. We found out that Indigenous people used many natural plants to create colours for their clothing and materials. We were able to transfer colour from coffee filters to paper! Ask me how we did this! They turned out amazing!!! 🌈 Have a wonderful evening! Reminder: No school...
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Hello grade one families!! It was a great start to the week in our classrooms. We are continuing to work on our writing skills using finger spaces, capitalization, and punctuation. We are also focusing on our letter sounds for our best inventive "kid spelling." Ask me what I chose to write about today! In math, we represented the number 14 in many ways, reviewed our knowledge on patterns and we started building teen numbers using a program on the SmartBoard. We really enjoyed doing that and will be building teen numbers throughout the week using manipulatives and technology. In science, we observed our pumpkin seeds. So far we have seen the pumpkin seed, the root, the stem and most recently the sprout! Our seeds are almost ready to be planted in soil. We also talked more about animals, and what different animals do to prepare for the winter! Ask me to tell you about hibernation and migration. We started reading a beautiful book about Peace written by Vladimir Radunsky and ch...
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Hello Grade 1 Families, We have been busy practicing our literacy skills. This week we are focused on punctuation or sentence stoppers - periods, question marks, and exclamation marks. As we learn about these, we continue to work on finger spacing and capitalization. Try practicing writing 1-2 sentences a night using our tools we have been learning! (examples: “My mom and I play!”, “The dog is big.”, “Can you see me go?”) Math continues to be one of our favourite subjects and this week we started something new! We learned the concept of skip counting, especially by 10s, 5s, and 2s. Ask me to count to 100 by 10s or even 5s for a challenge! In science, we observed our pumpkin seeds we planted the other week. They are currently getting water from a wet paper towel inside of a plastic bag- one in Mrs. Woolnough’s class and another in Mr. Graham’s. On Wednesday we observed the changes since we “planted” them. They have sprouted!! Ask me how much they have sprouted, and which class has the b...
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Good afternoon grade one families! Today our school did an incredible job at our Remembrance Day Assembly. Every student in Copperfield School was involved. Our grade ones sang a beautiful song called "Sing Peace Around the World." Thank you to the grade 5s, Ms. Sayer and all of the students for contributing beautiful art and music to remember and pay tribute to members of the Canadian Armed Forces who served to defend our values and freedoms. Thank you to families and members of the community for attending this special assembly. Many families were able to see the beautiful water colour poppies that we painted for Remembrance Day. In literacy, we continue to focus on skills including capitalization and finger spaces. Next week we will explore punctuation. We also continue to work on our letter sounds and how they go together to create simple CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words in our daily reading. Today we also had the opportunity to use our Raz-Kids accounts on the ipa...
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Good afternoon grade one families! We have been very busy the last couple days!!! This morning we met with our grade 5 buddies for the first time. It was such a wonderful experience and we feel so lucky to get to connect with new friends within our school community. We played a fun math game called "Four in a Row." Ask me to explain it to you! This week we are focusing on capitalization. Ask me when I need to use an uppercase letter in a sentence. We added 4 new words to our word wall today: it, go, big, and not. Yesterday we planted pumpkin seeds! We are learning about the life cycle of a pumpkin. Ask me what we used in place of soil to get our pumpkin seeds started. We have been playing with our rekenreks in math and continue to represent numbers in different ways. In science, we continue to explore colour. Today we did something VERY exciting... we created our own colours! We are learning all about shading and tinting. Ask me how I can lighten a colour and how I can dark...
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Good afternoon grade ones! In writing, we continue to focus on specific skills such as using finger spaces between words. We have been doing a great job and showing lots of progress. In math, we continued exploring our math bags and power of ten cards. Today we sent home information about "Spotlight Student"! We are very excited about this upcoming Social Studies project as we learn about our families, our history and our communities. Please reach out if you have any questions! Remembrance Day: We are accepting donations for the poppy fund. There will be a Remembrance Day assembly on Thursday, November 10th at 10:30am. Families are welcome. No school on Friday, November 11th. Veterans Food Bank The Veterans Food Bank of Calgary is a service provided by CALGARY VETERANS SERVICES SOCIETY, founded in August 2018, to serve food security and other resource needs of veterans from Calgary and surrounding area. The Veterans Food Bank of Calgary supports veterans who served in all b...
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Good afternoon grade one families, It was a busy day in grade one! In writing, we are focusing on finger spaces between words! We know it is important to put finger spaces between words so that our teachers can read and understand our amazing ideas. We are all set up to use Raz-Kids and we got to explore the app on the ipads this morning. Many friends remember Raz-Kids from kindergarten and are excited to start using it again. Today we are sending home a sign-in card along with login instructions for Raz-Reading. Most students will have the same pictures for their password but the teacher name (username) has changed. This is another excellent resource to give your child opportunities to read at home. There are also great questions to check comprehension. is another fantastic resource for students who are still learning their sounds or who want to challenge themselves on beginning reading text. On computers there are more options for letter sounds, activities and chall...
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Good morning grade one families, We hope that you all had a fun-filled and safe halloween evening last night. We sure had a fun day in our grade one classrooms! We started our day off by doing pumpkin math. We measured how tall our pumpkins were with cubes, we counted how many lines there were on our pumpkins, and we observed whether our pumpkins were round, tall, orange, yellow, smooth, or rough! We also predicted how many seeds were in our pumpkins and emptied them so that we could count the seeds. There were A LOT of seeds- much more than we were expecting. Finally, we predicted whether our pumpkin would sink or float and then put them to the test. THANK YOU again to those of you that donated pumpkins!!! 😊 We listened to a story about a little witch and followed instructions by cutting orange paper into a house for her and her little ghost. We cut out a roof, a door and windows. Much to our surprise, when we were finished cutting we had orange jack-o-lanterns! We also read the...