Hello grade one families! Today we finished writing our story modelled after Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Our grade ones did an amazing job sounding out the letters of their animal and colour. They also practiced their neatest printing!!! We are excited to illustrate our classroom story next week. We practiced reading our latest poem. We highlighted the sounds "am" and "at" and underlined the word "the." Ask me how many times I read my poem! We represented the number 16 and we also got to play with our math bags. We represented different numbers, created our own math games and some friends even created numerals using their blocks! Our grade ones are so creative! In science, we read a story called Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni. Afterwards, we recreated the story of little blue and little yellow in our visual journals! Ask me how we did this!!! ๐๐๐ Halloween reminders: Students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes in the ...
Showing posts from October, 2022
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Good afternoon grade one families! Today we started to write a story as a whole group! We are modelling our story after Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle. Ask me what animal and colour I chose to write about! In math, we continued representing numbers between 11 and 20, and we played some more addition games. We listened to Binny's Diwali by Thrity Umrigar. We love learning about different celebrations and traditions! This afternoon we went on a nature walk at the pond and looked for things in nature to match paint samples. It was so beautiful out and we did an amazing job trying to match colours. Here are SOME of the high frequency words we have been working on: said, see, a, and, at, am, to, in, my, am, me, on Reminder: No school on Friday, October 28th for students ๐ Have a wonderful night! Love Mrs. Woolnough and Mr. Graham
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Good afternoon grade one families! We had a very busy and fun filled day! We started the day by reading a new poem and talking about the different sounds in it. Our poem was very repetitive- ask me why that is helpful when we are learning something new! We reviewed all of our sight words and our friends did an AMAZING job identifying them, reading them and using them in sentences! We added 2 new words to our word wall today: 'and' and 'play'. We listened to a story called "Beautiful Oops" by Barney Saltzberg. We talked about the importance of making mistakes! We all make mistakes and that is how we learn. When we make a mistake, we can create something beautiful out of it! As long as we try our best, that is what matters. ๐ Our teachers put a random line, mark or swirl on a page in our visual journal and we had to be creative and turn it into something BEAUTIFUL! In math, we represented the number 14 and we also did some fun halloween math! Afterwards we play...
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Good afternoon families, Today we practiced reading our poems and going over our sight words. We added 3 words to our word wall: we, you and said. In the next few days we will be sending home some sight words so that our grade ones can show them to you and practice going over them! It is pretty exciting when we are able to quickly recognize and identify a sight word! Today we played a counting math game! Ask me how we played and how long I lasted in the game. In science, we are learning more about shading and tinting. Ask me what I can add to any colour to make it a shade lighter and what I can add to make it a shade darker! We have some more fun science activities coming up this week. Halloween news: Students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes in the afternoon on Monday, October 31st. Students are able to wear face paint all day, and change into their costumes after lunch. Please keep important items for their costume at home and no weapons should be brought...
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Good evening grade one families, This morning flew by! We were able to catch up and finish a few things from earlier in the week. Our "memory bags" look beautiful and are now glued into our visual journals. We played a noun game on Starfall and everyone did an amazing job figuring out whether their card was a person, place or thing! During math, we shared some ideas for math games and activities, using our new math bags. One student suggested we also include dice in our bags and we agreed! Our grade ones have so many great ideas. Students got into small groups and played different games, "quizzed" each other and came up with inventive ways to represent numbers and even solve equations! Because of the weather, we had an indoor dance party! Ask me what songs we danced to ๐๐ถ A couple of reminders: -Please return library books on Monday ๐๐ -Individual photo re-take day is Tuesday, October 25th -No school on Friday, October 28th for students Have an amazing weekend! ...
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Good afternoon grade one families, Today we read a book called "A Family is a Family is a Family" by Sara O'Leary. We talked about how all families are special and unique. Some friends shared what makes their family different. Afterwards we wrote about what makes our family special. It is so nice to have our family photo galleries up in the classroom so that we can always be reminded of where we came from and how loved we are. We went over all of the sight words we have learned so far in grade one. Our students are doing an amazing job recognizing and reading our sight words. We also circled our sight words in our poems and re-read our poems! Every time we read one of our poems we colour in a star. After lunch, we learned how to represent a number between 10 and 20 by using numerals, tally marks, two 10 frames, and pictures. We finished off our day doing some really fun science! We are continuing to explore colour. We watched a clip from The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy went...
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Good afternoon grade one families, Today in literacy we explored the sound that the letter B makes. We practiced printing it properly and we brainstormed words that start with the letter B. We drew and labelled 5 things that start with the letter B in our visual journals. Ask me what 5 things I chose! In math, we practiced printing our numerals by filling in random missing numbers from 1-20. We also got to explore our new bath bags. Every students received a bag with 20 unifix cubes, a pop-it bracelet, a dry erase marker and a (clean!) sock or mitten to use as an eraser. While exploring, we counted, made patterns and practiced adding. We also continued to practice proper number formation on our individual whiteboards. Some friends even created equations. The math bags were a big hit and we look forward to using them regularly. We received some beautiful new books in our classroom and spent some time quietly reading to ourselves. We looked at pictures, tried to sound out words and ...
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Good evening grade one families! Today we listened to the story Shi-shi-etko by Nicola I. Campbell. We actually read this story at the end of September with Mr. Patry, so this was our second time hearing it. We talked about how reading and listening to books more than once can be beneficial. We may learn something new each time! After listening to Shi-shi-etko, we reflected on things that we would take with us if we ever had to leave our homes. In our "Memory Bags", we drew family photos, special toys, books, favourite stuffies, pets and other things that we love. We talked about how we cherish certain things because they bring us happy memories! In math, we practiced printing our numerals 1-9. We know that it is common to print our numerals backwards when first learning. Practicing will help us to remember what they are supposed to look like. Everyone did a fantastic job! This morning we had a fire drill and both of our classes exited the building quickly, calmly, and quietl...
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Good afternoon grade one families! Today we reflected on our experience at the Leighton Art Centre in our visual journals. We drew and labelled four different things that we loved about our field trip. Some friends drew the bus ride, our nature walk, exploring the museum, Echo Valley, sketching and sculpting. Ask me what four things I chose to represent. In math, we played addition games with a partner. Ask me what materials we used to play! We continued to learn about and discuss the Zones of Regulation. We are learning different strategies to use when we are in the yellow or red zone. Today we learned about belly breathing and doing a body scan. Ask me how these help us to regulate our emotions. Thank you to the families who brought in pumpkin donations and family photos! If you would like to email a family photo, Mrs. Woolnough can print them in colour for our gallery:) (ajwoolnough@cbe.ab.ca) Keep up the great work with home reading! ๐ Thank you for all of your hard work grad...
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Hello grade one families, Happy Friday! This morning we did some poetry. We have been doing such a good job reading our poems! Ask me about some of the sight words in our poems. We had an assembly today to celebrate exceeding our Terry Fox Run goal. Students got to pie Mr. Magowan, Mr. Patry, and many teachers in the face! It was so much fun and so exciting! There was lots of laughter and smiles. Copperfield really does have heart!!! We are hoping to do some pumpkin activities and will be accepting pumpkin donations for our classroom anytime! Thank you in advance:) Next week, in Social Studies, we will begin talking about My World: Home, School, and Community. We are inviting students to bring in a family photo so that we can make a gallery in our classroom. We have had an AMAZING start to our home reading program!!! We are so proud of our grade one readers. Thank you families for your incredible support. It is truly appreciated!!! Have a wonderful weekend with your families! Love...
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Good afternoon grade one families! Today we wrote about something that we LOVE! Afterwards we drew and coloured pictures of what we love. In science, we continued to talk about signs of the seasons changing and different colours of leaves. Ask me about warm colours and cool colours, and for some examples of each! Today we did another art project! After discussing seasonal changes and warm and cool colours we painted birch trees with different coloured leaves. Ask me what we used to make our trees look like birch trees. Here is a hint: it was not a paint brush! Our paintings are still drying but we will post pictures soon. They turned out beautifully! Tomorrow morning we have an assembly to celebrate surpassing our Terry Fox goal! As a school we raised $2174.00. Wow- what a thoughtful and generous community we have here at Copperfield School. Thank you to the families who donated and to all who participated in the Terry Fox Run. Have a wonderful evening! Love Mrs. Woolnough
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Good evening grade one families, Today Mrs. Woolnough's class traveled to the Leighton Art Centre. What a lovely, sunny day for a field trip. The bus ride was quite exciting to many friends because it was their first ride on a school bus! When we arrived, we couldn't believe all of the natural beauty surrounding us. We started the day off by acknowledging the Land. After we had a snack we explored the museum which was filled with many different types of art, artifacts, photographs of A.C. and Barbara Leighton, and plants. Afterwards we went on a nature walk to Echo Valley. Along our walk, we saw many different types of trees. We talked about different types of trees such as balsams, evergreens and larch trees. We noticed that they each have different characteristics. Ask me about some trees that I saw today and what different colours of leaves or needles they had. At Echo Valley we had a spectacular view of the Mountains. We bellowed "Echo" at the same time and heard ...
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Hello grade one families! I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. It was so wonderful to be back in the classroom together today. We had a fun filled, busy day that started off with a visit from Quest Theatre. We loved the play that they presented to us. Ask me what it was about and what my favourite part was. In literacy, we learned how to spell the sight word "love"! In math, we continued to represent our numbers up to 10 by using numerals, words, ten frames, tally marks and pictures. In science, we coloured and wrote down our observations from our "walking water" rainbow science experiment. We talked about the different "Zones of Regulation." Ask me for some examples of feelings or emotions in either the blue, green, yellow, or red zone. You can also ask me about the "Lazy 8" strategy that can be helpful when we are in the red zone. We also listened to a book called "Decibella and her 6-inch Voice" written by Julia Cook. We talked abou...
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Good afternoon grade one families, Today was pretty exciting! We started our day by doing a science experiment. We filled 7 clear cups with water and then we put food colouring into 4 of the cups. We used the primary colours: red, blue and yellow! We left a cup of non-coloured water between the cups with food colouring in them. We found out that we would be putting pieces of folded paper towels in the cups. Before we put in the paper towels we made predictions! Ask me what a prediction is. After just a few minutes the coloured water started travelling up the paper towels and into the cups with clear water. It was so neat! After lunch we were AMAZED to see what happened... We had our very own rainbow!!! ๐๐งก๐๐๐๐ This afternoon we attended the Terry Fox assembly. It was wonderful to listen to our grade 3 students talk about Terry Fox, and share songs and videos. Together we honoured a Canadian hero. After the assembly, we participated in the Terry Fox Run around the pond. The gr...
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Hello grade one families! The last two days we have done a lot of writing! We wrote about a personal hero of ours. Ask me who I wrote about! We also wrote about where we thought our teachers were yesterday! Some of the answers were hilarious. Finally, today we wrote about what we are thankful for. Ask me what I am thankful for! We have been using sentence starters, our word wall and our best guess "kid spelling." Fun lunch was a success! Thank you to our wonderful volunteers. Tomorrow we are going to do a science experiment in the morning! We are really looking forward to the assembly and Terry Fox Run tomorrow afternoon. Remember to dress for the weather and wear running shoes. We are still accepting toonies for Terry:) Love, Mrs. Woolnough and Mrs. Bradshaw
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Hello grade one families! Today Mrs. Bradshaw's class travelled to the Leighton Art Centre. It was a fabulous experience all around. We started the day by acknowledging the land. We then got to go on a beautiful nature walk and take in the breathtaking view. Ask me about Echo Valley! We were able to explore the museum and art gallery before creating our own horizon sketches and wire sculptures. It was an awesome day filled with natural beauty, creativity and fun. We have incredibly talented grade one artists. Our students were kind and respectful and worked hard. Great job grade ones! Thank you to our amazing volunteers who joined us today. It would not be possible to have these field trips without you! Mrs. Woolnough's class started to learn about Terry Fox. We talked about what makes a hero and wrote about why Terry Fox is a hero. We continued to make and label complex patterns. We watched a video about growth mindset. Ask me what this means! We are inviting students to brin...